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Italian Broiled Bell Pepper Salad

This delightful salad is from the book “Easy Summer Food”, and I’ve been making it for years. It never fails to deliver. Simple ingredients, nice combination of flavors, and so very fresh. I like to serve this before a pasta main course. One of my favorite salads.

I have to warn that it takes some preparation. Broiling and peeling the peppers is a bit tedious, but try it once and I think you’ll its worth it. I guess if you could get store-bought quality Italian roasted peppers that would save a lot of time. I haven’t tried this but probably will some day. Guess won’t be the same as fresh.


4 Red bell peppers
2 Fresh mozzarella cheese
4 Handfulls arugula
1/4 cup Extra virgin olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar; optional
Sea salt and ground black pepper
Makes 4 Servings


Cook peppers in broiler, turning until all sides are well charred. Remove from heat and transfer to a covered pan (helps steam off the skin).

When cool scrape off the skin and retain the juices. Cut in half and remove the seeds and membranes. add juices to the bowl.

To make dressing put two tablespoons of pepper juice with olive oil. add salt and pepper and whisk.


To serve divide arugula on plates. Top with peppers and torn mozzarella. Drizzle with the dressing and optional balsamic.

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